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BCAAs alone produce an anabolic response driven by a stimulation of muscle protein synthesis and gives you the steady flow of BCAAs that your body needs. 5g of clean amino acids per serving with an amazing taste without any artificial sweeteners, flavorings, or dyes. Quick Facts: Good Manufacturing Process (CGMP) LAB CERTIFIED: Our labs are CGMP certified for safety and all our ingredients are tested for purity. Promotes muscle protein synthesis supports muscle recovery, provides extended endurance needed energy: If you don't fuel your body with the amino acid complex that it needs, you can actually lose muscle. BCAAs are also a good solution for fat burn because it supplies your body with the essential proteins it needs to protect your lean mass without the excess calories.

Mix 1 scoop with 6-8 oz of water and sip during any workout, or is may also be taken before workouts and throughout the day to maintain a positive nitrogen balance.


  • 30-day money back guarantee
  • Boosts energy and blocks fatigue.
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